Speaking: from fear to pleasure in front of your audience


Speaking in public is an exercise that can create fear and apprehension. Indeed, this is one of the exercises that employees least want to perform most of the time. However, when it is extremely successful, it is clear that the extremely positive outlook can be synonymous with career accelerator. So how do we succeed in speaking out that is so dear to us?

One of the first aspects to be successful is above all the preparation. Who am I? Who is my audience / audience? What is the situation we find ourselves in? What is the content of my speech? But above all, what are the relationships between all these questions? These aspects are not new since they come to us from Antiquity in particularde the Rhétorique of Aristotle.

These aspects – however simple at first – very often reveal that the speaker did not think about these questions when speaking. Consequently, a certain condescending respect will be shown to him by the silence released in the audience. Was this feeling familiar to you when speaking in public? If the audience remains polite, your impression does not lie. No chemistry has occurred and it is quite possible that the next day, the people present in the audience will no longer remember what you said when you spoke, or who you are.


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Public speaking: techniques

Stand’Impro has dissected for many years the various public speaking carried out in professional circles. Thus, there are 10 chapters that we count and on which it is possible to work.

The aspect most often discussed comes from gaining public confidence. Indeed, the exercise of public speaking strongly exposes speakers to the eyes of others and the stress that this can cause is often a primordial aspect.

The specificity of trust capital when speaking in public is that it only partly depends on us. Indeed, the look of the public and others on ourselves plays a fundamental aspect. Thus, it can carry us as positively in the construction of the image as we make for ourselves. Conversely, it can also make us think that we are poor speakers and that this exercise is for others. And certainly not for us!

The Pygmalion effect

Therefore, it is necessary to find the tools to get into a positive dynamic in the short and long term. So the positive effect of virtuous circles on our performance becomes palpable. And this presentation after presentation.

Therefore, it is possible for everyone to be able to develop this relationship to ourselves with different strategies. They can thus be considered in the short term and long term. In fact, these are short-term successive step strategies (SOPSCT). They are thus complementary to long-term successive target strategy (SOPSLT).

Thus, the training for public speaking aims in particular to identify these objectives for everyone. Each time, an assessment of the situation and of the feasibility is necessary.


Public speaking: the charisma

The charisma when speaking in public is above all the search for one’s own style. Indeed, there is no point in wanting to imitate a politician or the language of a great lawyer. Certain elements can inspire, but it is above all on its own way of being that it is advisable to work. This research can take years and nothing is ever taken for granted. Past successes are not synonymous with guarantees for future presentations, although they greatly contribute to them.

Know how to adapt your language to the expectations and different types of personalities that make up the audience. The search for language. The staging in space. The use of movement or silence. The embodiment of his messages. The use of emotions. The intonation of a voice. Aspect integrationperformance some exercice. Support efficiency. Choice of images and metaphors. Use ofmimeof companies. Interaction with its audience. Preparation of conscious and unconscious communication. Address to the limbic and / or neocortex part of my audience.


Gain impact on your audience

How do I get people in the room to remember me and my messages? It is all the work of public speaking which aims not only to discover me as a speaker, but also to better understand the different modes of public perception. Have you spoken to the public about themselves? You will be surprised, but this action which can take many forms is one of the many rules of speaking. Talk to people about themselves! What is the bond that unites you? How are they interested in your subject? These seemingly obvious aspects are mostly overlooked.

The other rules of the public speaking do exist. They do not improvise but work. The result is all the more satisfactory when we know we have been heard. A frank handshake, applause or smiles then come to conclude your speaking. You have conquered your audience and this impression does not deceive.