Our group, GFMS, has been working with Stand’Impro since 2013 as part of the training.

Stand’Impro works with our distributor teams, our sales representative and marketers. I personally saw the work that was done in a relatively short time: a human level, a quality level with its Founding President, Andreas Ventouras.

My teams had greatly improved the way they present to the public.

Aside that, what was fabulous was the level of confidence of my teams to present to the sales teams, they were boosted like I had never seen them until now!

The video testimony

Armando Pereira, Head of Marketing & Business Development, GFMS

The training center of the City of Geneva has been collaborating with Stand’Impro since 2015. If public speaking training was our first experience, we afterwards, particularly appreciated the ability of Stand’Impro to respond to developments of our needs and to develop its training systems. It is with great pleasure listening to the client and the experience of the trainer that we had managed to develop a module on relational ease which combines public speaking, behavioral psychology and philosophy of theatrical improvisation.

At a time of digitalization and the growing hybridization of training systems, this face-to-face course has met with great success with our audiences who had a real training experience for 2 days. In addition to the amusing state, the kindness and the quality of the conversation with the speaker, the participants note in line with their evaluation revealed that the training had positive effects on strengthening and self-confidence.”

Romain Bischoff, Training Manager, City of Geneva


Piguet Galland & Cie SA started to collaborate with Stand’Impro and its founder, Andreas Ventouras, in March 2017. Andreas trained some of our executives for public speaking.

The training was extremely well received by our employees both from the point of view of added value and for the approach of the speaker: creation of the bond of trust, dynamics, practical aspects, everything was combined to make the training become a real moment of professional development.

We are continuing our collaboration with Stand’Impro and intended to broaden the field of training to more aspects related to sales and negotiation. It is with pleasure that we recommend the training offered by Stand’Impro.

Marina Bianchi, Human Resources Manager, Piguet Galland & CIE

“Our company, Transports Publics Genevois (TPG), had decided to train the members of its management in Public Speaking through Stand’Impro and its founder, Andreas Ventouras.

We sincerely appreciated the adaptability of the trainer who knew how to take into account the different levels and needs as well as the personalities of each participant in the training. The Stand’Impr approach also showed very positive and measurable effects in a relatively short time on the participants who took the public speaking course. Therefore, we decided to continue in a suitable and sustainable way with this training to speak in public and to introduce it to other employees for the next few years to come.

Marc Defalque, Sales, Marketing and Communication Director, TPG

“For more than a year, I followed individual coaching with Stand’Impro and Andreas Ventouras. The process was carried out as part of my professional development plan. Certain aspects were identified by my Manager during the annual interviews and we decided to work on these points using a professional structure, dedicated to training and coaching.

In order to improve certain “soft skills”, management or leadership points, Stand’Impro uses behavioral psychology and emotional intelligence tools that allow you to know yourself and others better. At the end of monthly meeting, we alternated theoretical points and practical exercises while respecting the objectives that we had set ourselves.

The addition of the camera, the use of exercises from the theater world or the speaker made these sessions very dynamic and unique. After a year, my Manager noticed points of improvement concerning me while he found them very challenging at the start. My personal entourage also perceived an evolution on several points. With this positive experience, we decided to perpetuate this practice within my team for other collaborators.

Alban Lecrivain, Financial Controller, GSK

“Stand’Impro “offers tailor-made training, focusing in particular on practice, which allows in just a few hours to understand and apply a presentation that will have an impact in the professional context.

I personally followed the public speaking training in 2013 as part of my former work with Economiesuisse, the umbrella association of companies in Switzerland..

A training to follow imperatively for the development of his professional career. “

Delphine Trunde-Jaccard, Project Manager, FER

CEGOS, Parler en public avec le Beauparleur, Swissnova, la Manufacture de Lausanne, le CRPM, André Schmidt à Genève et dans la région

“We were nominated by the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG) as one of the most innovative companies in 2013. To introduce ourselves and our technological innovations, we called on Stand’Impro. During the presentation, the jury unanimously awarded us the innovation prize! It was the first time in the history of the CCIG that a jury awarded a prize to a company unanimously.

Highly recommend!”

Daniel Schupbach, Founder and Director of Contexa

Parler en public avec le Beauparleur, Swissnova, André Schmidt, l'université de Genève, la Manufacture de Lausanne à Genève, le CRPM pour ses formations professionnelles

“Public speaking had become a daily challenge, especially in my professional environment as Junior Marketing & Communication Manager. Constantly in collaboration with seniors, it had become essential for my career to systematically anticipate certain communication codes to give credibility to my speech.

The “mental preparation” stage was essential for me in order to master my subject and my audience. This training has been useful both personally and professionally. I highly recommend”

E.B., Marketing Communications Manager, Sigma

“The training in public speaking, as offered by Stand’Impro, allowed me in just a few hours to develop the tools of communication and charisma.

I followed this training in 2013 as part of my work at economiesuisse.

This training will be useful to me throughout my career and I highly recommend the effective and original approach that Stand’Impro offers.”

Carmelo Lagana, Responsable projets, economiesuisse

“I had the opportunity to follow individual coaching in 2014, with Andreas Ventouras. The idea been to work on assertiveness, being rather introverted and uncomfortable with
taking up space. We had the opportunity to work on different communication exercises. Note that these exercises were filmed, which is very interesting to be able to really realize the way we behave and how we communicate things to others. Development paths have been identified and concrete tips have been given to me to communicate more effectively, and therefore, to give my interlocutor the feeling of being more assertive.

I thank Stand’Impro for its support and advice and I highly recommend it to anyone wishing to find ways to communicate better!”

Charlotte Aeby, Professional integration advisor, SCAN